How to Grow your business with Facebook Ads

How To Grow Your Business With Facebook Ads

Frankly speaking, there are numerous advantages your business can tap into by employing Facebook advertising. One practically loses a massive chunk of one’s customers if one is not using Facebook ads to its optimum. There are nearly two billion odd, monthly active users on Facebook, Instagram and other Meta technologies. This implies one has the opportunity to approach recent users, prospective ones as well as those who are curious about your business.


One can make ads faster with less difficulty from one’s Facebook Page. To build such ads, one has to find Promote button or try boosting a page by clicking Boost Post button. A few ad solutions one can find on Facebook Page are as follows.


Types of Facebook/Meta ads


Boosted Posts: Boosting a post enables one to gain more likes, shares and comments on posts. It is also one of the means to approach people who may be keen about your content but are not following you on Facebook at present.


Page ad: Publicising your Page may assist you to obtain more users to like and follow your page.


Website ad: Publicising your website may enable you to direct more traffic to your landing page.


Promote call-to-action button: Users may connect with your page though your page’s call-to-action button. This can be modified to update your Page’s purposes. Developing a call-to-action button enables to lead conversions that are important to your page.


One can look at further ad options besides these. One may use Ads Manager to generate and handle ads on Facebook, Instagram and other Meta technologies. The top ten benefits of how Facebook ads to increase your sales may be listed below-


Facebook advertising is scalable


There is no room for speculation regarding the effectiveness of Facebook ads. The outcomes are scalable. You can look for yourself the number of clicks and conversions you achieve. To follow the conversions, you have to download Facebook ads pixel on your landing page. The Facebook pixel allow you to follow several actions like adding something to your cart, payment details and so forth. It enables you to analyse this information a while later. This helps you to perceive what stumbling blocks are preventing your customers from conversion.


Facebook ads feature on Instagram as well


Facebook is the proprietor of Instagram. When your ads feature on Facebook, you can decide to run these ads on exclusively on Instagram. Encountering twofold platform aids you in showcasing your ads to prospective users who are not on Facebook but use Instagram extensively. Thus when you subscribe to Facebook ads you have the option to permeate both markets, Facebook and Instagram simultaneously.


You can tweak Facebook ad formatting


Besides ad format choices that make use of single image ads, video ads, collection ads, carousel ads and so forth to showcase your products are services on several platforms to modify your ad copy as per specific requirements, another advantage of advertising on Facebook is there exists an ad format to cater to your requirements.


Above all, you can select various call-to-action buttons to propel your ad viewers to fulfil a significant action like signing up or quote request. Regardless of various items on the offer for buying or a customer experience anecdote to share for encouraging subscriptions, there will be a distinct ad format to make use of.


Facebook ads can be used for aiming particular audience


With ever increasing targeting choices, you can showcase your Facebook ads to prospective consumers. With the option to aim at a very niche audience you can peddle whatever you have to offer as per each audience making your ads more potent. There are a wide range of targeting with options like age, sex, inclinations, job profiles or location. Above all you can develop custom audiences based on buyer personas.




Yet another strategy of Facebook advertising is remarketing. It permits you to broadcast to current website users. If anyone arrives on your landing page and does not buy, you can reconnect with them through Facebook ads. This is an advantage that can drastically amp up or promote your conversions.


Facebook ads can inspire recurring business


Facebook ads can ensure recurring business from users who have previously purchased. By making use of this feature, you can incorporate your consumer emails into your Facebook ad campaign. This in turn will enable you to advertise up front to the audience.


Facebook ads can channelize offline sales


Businesses which invest in Facebook ads can witness greater instore traffic. Users who may see Facebook ads and arrive on your landing page may drop by at your store in person if they have faith in your remedies.


Facebook ads are among the least expensive means of advertising


When we compare conventional means of advertising with online advertising, another advantage of Facebook ads which emerges is that it is one of the least expensive forms of advertising. You can spend a little amount and approach a wider audience. It is practically meaningless to allocate more budget for radio ads, television advertisements and other conventional means of advertising.


Facebook ads are quicker than other forms of advertising


It is a proven fact that Facebook ads deliver instant results. You can start approaching people from this very moment. If you are considering a quicker means to regulate traffic and conversions it is definitely a go to.


Advertising on Facebook promotes brand awareness


Advertising on Facebook can conspicuously create brand awareness. It is a proven way to intimate people what you have to offer. The more conversant people are with your brand, the greater is the probability of buying your products.


Nearly 80% of internet users utilise Facebook. A majority of senior citizens use Facebook. About 78% of users reportedly found relevant products on Facebook. Facebook has over billion users who check their Facebook page several times in a day. Going by these statistics, one can clearly perceive the direct impact of Facebook ads on business revenue.




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